Lucas 1 Month Old

Hello Family and Friends, I feel like in the context of this Blog, I was really writing with updates with the end goal of Lucas being born and now Lucas is a whole month old! I've made it through the bulk of my own recovery, and he's out of the NICU and we've been home long enough to begin to get into a groove of our life as a new family of 5. I will go ahead and end the Blog here, but wanted to thank you all for all of you who have held us in your thoughts and prayers and supported us and will continue to support us. The last 2+ weeks that Lucas has been home has been a whirlwind full of very hard work. I am definitely not a fan of feeding my baby by bottle. ☺I have a new appreciation for the efficiency and convenience of being able to breast feed and be done. A large portion of my days are feeding him every 2-3 hours by bottle, then putting the remaining amount in the feeding tube and having it pumped in while I wash bottles and pump milk for the next feeding. All of wh...