Lucas is 5 months old!

Dear Family & Friends, Our little Lucas is a whole 5 months old! We hope you all have been enjoying your summer. We've had some small trips to the hospital, but for the most part Lucas has been very healthy. He may have some minor inflammation in his lungs from aspirating while eating which is a common ailment with DS. It's become more obvious since he got the feeding tube out last month, so I've been mostly feeding him by bottle. I'm anxious for the next feeing appointment because if it continues to be an issue, then he'll have to have the tube re-inserted. So, for now, I'll say I'm enjoying the break. At 5 months Lucas has found his thumbs and hands and is delightfully entertained by sucking on his hands several times a day. His neck continues to get stronger. I keep having in mind that the girls were sitting up by 6 months old and I don't know that he'll be there by 6 months, but he was also born about a month early so we can give him a break....