ER Visit - 1/27/25
1/27/25 ER Visit 10am - at pediatrician office, temp 101.1, took flu & covid swab 11am - called back with results of swab, positive for influenza A 11:30am - Gave him 2mls of acetaminophen 6:30pm - noticed Lucas was breathing fast, decided to take him in. Also thought his hands and feet looked a bit purple 7pm - in the car 8pm - checked into ER 8:15 - got into triage room 100°F temp Got suction - got a little out. Mostly clear. Saw doctor, definitely working to breath, had respiratory person come in. She wants to put on low level oxygen just to alleviate breathing heavy. Oxygen saturation is good 8:35 - got into room 12 Saw doctor, confirmed they are going to try some oxygen and observe him for a while 9pm - deep suction, he's been eating well. 9:30pm - they think he's breathing a little better after the suctioning. Holding off on oxygen for now. 10pm - his color looks much better, his fever is down to 99 and hes breathing ...