
Lucas Home!

Dear Family and Friends, I'm super thrilled to report that Lucas did great overnight. Lungs look more clear and no more diarrhea. We just got the go ahead to go home today! I guess if he did have a bug of something, he kicked it in the pants quickly which is what we like to see! Thanks for all the prayers! Someone is enjoying his swing at home and do I see a smile? ☺

3rd Trip to the Hospital

Dear Family and Friends, I texted a few of you for prayers, so I thought I'd sit down and let people know what happened and loop in the greater community because we can use all the prayers we can get! I am in the hospital with Lucas again! I learned my lesson from last time when I expected to get out quickly to not wait to send out an e-mail asking for prayers! We're just taking things as they come with Lucas so we'll discover what is going this time! So, at 2am today 6/10 (1.5 weeks after discharge from the last hospital stay!) I woke up because Lucas was fussing around and turned out he had monster colossal pooped all up everywhere. Perhaps you have experience with such an occurrence. 😉 Anyway, I began to carefully deal with the situation and when I was most of the way through, Lucas made a sound like he was struggling and I look up and some spit up that looked green was coming out of his mouth. I couldn't tell quite what was happening, because it was a little dark i

Creating Our World - Joy amidst the challenges

Dear Family and Friends, I am inspired to share some thoughts about the challenges we've faced so far with Lucas and hopefully I can also come back and remember to read this every time that I need a reminder. It's no small thing, this journey. I still remember the feeling of shock that I was pregnant again and it wasn't long after that when I received the devastating news that Lucas was positive for down syndrome. The experience continued all throughout the pregnancy, a whirl of complicated emotions depending on the test, the day, the circumstances. Feeling both positive and negative emotions and then he's here! Followed by NICU stay, then just a few weeks home, and we find ourselves in a prolonged hospital stay again. Life. Dreading what could be next... It occurs to me that there are two worlds emerging in the face of the challenges that any one of us faces. Filled with emotions both positive an negative. Hope and despair, gratitude and guilt... sometimes at the very

Lucas Home!

Dear Family and Friends, Lucas is home! It's kind of incredible. I feel like a little bit of culture shock being back in my house and knowing I can stay here. Today was day day 26 of the hospital stay. We stayed in 5 rooms, were in the ICU twice. In that whole time, I slept at home 2 of the nights (thank you Stacie for staying with Lucas one of the nights). Fernando got a solid taste of what it's like to be a single parent. He stepped up doing so much with the kids and his parents luckily are still staying with us and his mom has been instrumental keeping the house tidy and his father doing projects around the house. Fernando's parents will be heading home soon and we'll see how our household shifts into our normal. At this point Lucas has been in the hospital more than he's been home so it will be nice to discover our life of a family of 5. Fernando is taking a large amount of his paternity leave from work this summer so we'll all be home together this summer a

Daily Update: Week 4 (Updated Tuesday 5/28)

  Dear Family & Friends, We're looking good to get discharged. In the doctor huddle this morning to talk about his progress and the plan for this week, the cardiologist on for this week said that he'd like to see Lucas gaining weight for 3 days after he got off High Flow. So last night's weight counts as Day 1 which means that Thursday will be the day we are being discharged. This was hard for me to hear, but it IS just ONE more day than I was thinking. The nurses were able to schedule a swallow study for him tomorrow at 9am. To Get Discharged: 🗹  Move feeding tube to his stomach 🗹  Reduce his High Flow down to 2L/min 🗹 Remove High Flow completely - the plan for tomorrow ❏  Get a swallow study done - Scheduled for Wednesday 5/29 @ 9am ❏  Have 3 days off Respiratory Support where he is gaining weight each day.      🗹 Day 1 Complete - Monday     ❏ Day 2 Complete - Tuesday     ❏ Day 3 Complete - Wednesday  

Daily Update: Week 4 (Updated Monday 5/27)

 Dear Family and Friends, We're trucking along towards being discharged. They removed the High Flow air support completely today. I am looking forward to talking to the doctors tomorrow. I'm gonna see if it's possible to perhaps get discharged tomorrow and if not, really push for Wednesday. Lucas is looking great! To Get Discharged: 🗹  Move feeding tube to his stomach 🗹  Reduce his High Flow down to 2L/min 🗹 Remove High Flow completely - the plan for tomorrow ❏  Monitor for 48 hours - will want to make sure he looks good for more than 24 hours to be sure he can go home ❏  Get a swallow study done  

Daily Update: Week 4 (Updated Sunday 5/26)

 Dear Family and Friends, Lucas' discharge continues to be a moving target, but we are moving towards it and he is looking really good with his breathing staying minor while we get him weaned off of the respiratory support. To Get Discharged: 🗹 Move feeding tube to his stomach 🗹 Reduce his High Flow down to 2L/min ❏ Remove High Flow completely - the plan for tomorrow ❏  Monitor for 48 hours - will want to make sure he looks good for more than 24 hours to be sure he can go home ❏  Get a swallow study done so that we know if he is aspirating or not. Aspirating means that when he is eating by mouth that a little liquid he's trying to swallow is getting into his lungs which can be an aspect of low muscle tone which is typical in children with down syndrome. He's been on a feeding tube all this time in the hospital so if we are going to start feeding him by mouth again then we'll want to know if he is aspirating. Fluid in the lungs is no bueno. If we remove the High Flow t