Dear Family and Friends, I texted a few of you for prayers, so I thought I'd sit down and let people know what happened and loop in the greater community because we can use all the prayers we can get! I am in the hospital with Lucas again! I learned my lesson from last time when I expected to get out quickly to not wait to send out an e-mail asking for prayers! We're just taking things as they come with Lucas so we'll discover what is going this time! So, at 2am today 6/10 (1.5 weeks after discharge from the last hospital stay!) I woke up because Lucas was fussing around and turned out he had monster colossal pooped all up everywhere. Perhaps you have experience with such an occurrence. 😉 Anyway, I began to carefully deal with the situation and when I was most of the way through, Lucas made a sound like he was struggling and I look up and some spit up that looked green was coming out of his mouth. I couldn't tell quite what was happening, because it was a little dark i...