3rd Trip to the Hospital

Dear Family and Friends,

I texted a few of you for prayers, so I thought I'd sit down and let people know what happened and loop in the greater community because we can use all the prayers we can get!

I am in the hospital with Lucas again! I learned my lesson from last time when I expected to get out quickly to not wait to send out an e-mail asking for prayers! We're just taking things as they come with Lucas so we'll discover what is going this time!

So, at 2am today 6/10 (1.5 weeks after discharge from the last hospital stay!) I woke up because Lucas was fussing around and turned out he had monster colossal pooped all up everywhere. Perhaps you have experience with such an occurrence. 😉

Anyway, I began to carefully deal with the situation and when I was most of the way through, Lucas made a sound like he was struggling and I look up and some spit up that looked green was coming out of his mouth. I couldn't tell quite what was happening, because it was a little dark in the room, so I laid him on his side and patted his back forcefully to hopefully help him expel whatever was going on. No more liquid came out and he seemed to still be struggling to breathe so I picked him up and put his face over my shoulder and patted his back, at this point he started to cry (which meant he was breathing).

This alerted Fernando in the other room, who was trying to quarantine because he's been sick the last couple days. I told him that Lucas was in trouble, that I wasn't sure what was wrong. Fernando later told me that Lucas looked a little purple to him. So he called 911. I continued to pat Lucas' back, he kept crying and I tried to look at him every once in a while trying to determine how much distress he was in and if my efforts were being any kind of fruitful. It was all a blur until the EMT's got to the house.

Then I realized that he was actually breathing fairly well, definitely not struggling and going to sleep on my shoulder now. The EMT's didn't see him in distress at the time, but we relayed what had happened to them and decided that they should transport me to Children's Hospital, Fernando would stay at home with the girls, and I could get Lucas checked out.

We got to the emergency room and they swabbed him and suctioned him because he sounded very stuffed up. The swab that tests for 21 viruses came back negative, but Lucas had diarrhea and was obviously more stuffed up and mucas-y than normal. They admitted him and I joined and later agreed once we were settled in the room that it made sense to have him monitored overnight and see how he looks the next day in case he needed additional support ESPECIALLY since he had just been in Children's with a cold just a week and a half ago (and all THAT JAZZ).

I am writing to you at the end of the day after he's been eating well and hasn't needed to be suctioned for several hours, he certainly seems to be clearing up in his airways and he has been pooping all day and the last diaper I changed actually looked normal. He hasn't needed any respiratory support since he got here, no super heavy breathing, so that's also distinctly different that our last visit.

At this point, I'm really not sure what to think, but if he did, indeed, get some kind of bug or virus, it seems to be pretty minor and I'm hopeful that he'll look just as good tomorrow, if not better, than he looks tonight and they'll let us taking him home. He's up at 10lbs 9oz now and going to be 3 months old in a few days. 🥳

I will keep you updated! Thank you all who responded so quickly to my texts for help! On another note, Fernando was supposed to leave for 4 days on a work conference trip in California this morning, so Lucas has impeccable timing for all this. I shudder to think what I would have done if this all happened when Fernando wasn't here! Fernando cancelled his trip, I'm in the hospital with Lucas and Fernando is STILL trying to get better and rest at home as well as take care of the girls.

We can use all your prayers and I will update this blog tomorrow if anyone is interested in following up! Otherwise assume that we went home! Thank you for all the prayers and good energy you can send our way!

Love, Christine


  1. Praying for you all! -Beth

  2. So sorry, hope he recovers quickly and it's nothing serious. We just missed you. Adria had a check back appt last Thursday. We have another on July 3rd. But sure hope you'll be home by then. We will keep sending well wishes your way

  3. Praying for all of you. Know this has been rough but you have the Lords protection.

  4. We are praying for your family Christine!

  5. Praying for you all. ❤️ I hope Lucas recovers quickly!


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