Lucas is 6 months old and back in the hospital!

Dear Family and Friends,

Lucas is 6 months old as of last Friday! Our little man is getting so big! He's just barely holding up his head now. Hasn't quite rolled over yet, but working on it.

I was hoping to send out a lovely note just updating his progress, but as it happens I am writing this from the hospital as Lucas was admitted a few hours ago.

This story begins last Friday on his 6-month-i-versary. He happened to have his 6 month check up with his doctor that day as well which means getting updated vaccinations and we also opted to get him a Flu shot to equip him for the upcoming season. That meant 3 shots in his adorable thighs, poor little guy. Like most things he tolerated it like a champ. Only cried a little bit, then took a bottle, and promptly fell asleep.

That night he started to feel a bit warm. They get the same vaccinations at 6 months that they do at 4 months and he got a slight fever for the evening after his 4 month vaccinations so I expected a fever. The next morning he woke up warm and I measured his temp at 101.1 and he just seemed uncomfortable so I gave him some Tylenol. He seemed uncomfortable for most of the day with the fever coming and going until around 3pm when he took a very long nap and when he awoke, no more fever! Huzzah!

I thought that was the end of it. Later that night, I was holding him on the couch as he rested and he seemed to be breathing hard. He breaths hard on occasion so we both went to bed and I told myself I would monitor him. He slept through the night really well but when he woke up he was coughing with a large amount of flem rattling around in his lower airways. He was also still breathing hard, maybe even perhaps a bit harder than the night before. I learned from his last stay at Seattle Children's that breathing hard and his heart condition are cause for concern so around 11am Fernando agreed and I brought him into the ER.

They were able to suction out his airways really well, which is something we can't do at home and they took a swab from his nose to test him for some viruses and just as suspected came back positive for Para-influeza this time (which just means he has a virus) and he also has bronchiolitis (which is just means he has a lot of mucus in his airways) which he also had last time.

They suggested admitting him because I could take him home, but then if he needs suction again, we'd have to bring him back in. So he got admitted just because he's at the beginning of this bug and he can benefit from regular suctioning. So, if you will, I would say that he's barely admitted! I am happy to report that he's NOT on high-flow, and does not need an NG tube for feeding, AND he doesn't even need monitoring! And I'll tell you that is so nice! It sucks to have him in here and be away from Fernando and the girls, but it is really nice to not have Lucas hooked up to something or SEVERAL things and I can freely and easily pick him up to hold him and comfort him.

As I write this Lucas is even happily cooing and making sounds to himself in the bed. Taking it all in stride. The real test will be how he does during the night tonight and see how he looks tomorrow morning. The doctors and nurses keep reminding me that once a virus takes hold, typically it gets increasingly worse over 3 days and then gets better. So I'm assuming we'll be in here for at least 3 days to be sure he's over the worst of it and see how this plays out.

Thanks for keeping us in your prayers. Luckily both girls are in school full time so Fernando can hopefully get some work done through all this. If anyone is interested in coming to the house in the evenings to help him and help entertain the girls, feel free to text me. I know there are a lot of people who love to cook. He would probably appreciate a meal if you are able. I'll be posting here every day with updates and will e-mail once we get discharged. Thanks everyone!

Lots of love,


  1. Ahh dear Christine and Lucas, prayers for getting over that virus and continued strength. I love how you keep us connected, to send blessings over the airwaves. Take good care of both of you❣️Happy Six Months!

  2. Oh my! I’m sorry to hear that about Lucas! I’ll be praying for a quick turnaround. It was so much fun seeing him and you all the other day.

  3. So happy to hear Lucas is getting stronger and that this bug is somewhat par for the course as the weather heads into winter. Good that you have a wonderful hospital that takes such great care of him (and you!) when he needs them!

  4. I hope you and Lucas had a good night. Keeping you both in our prayers 🙏

  5. What cute 6 month pics! Such a cutie! Keeping you all in my prayers.


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