Lucas is 8 months old!

Dear Family and Friends, I have a couple months to make up for, I didn't post when Lucas turned 7 months old. Here are his 7th and 8 month old photos together. Our October is busy with Natalie kicking off the month turning 5 on October 10th, then Fernando turning 50 on October 23rd and now I'm writing you on my birthday! Lucas continues to grow and I just recently had a check in with his heart and his VSD (hole in the lower part of his heart) is all but closed and, long story short, that means that he will have his heart surgery between 2-3 years old rather than in the next 6 months! So that's good! If only because the surgery has a higher chance of being successful the bigger he is when he has the surgery. Lucas as a 7 month old is solidly rolling over, he's sitting in his bumbo seat a lot which give him support until he can sit up on his own and he's eating with us during meals getting some pureed foods. He enjoys eating. Lucas at 8 months old is beginning to almo...