Fluid Found - 29 Weeks

Update as of Tuesday, January 30th, 2024 

Hey guys, 

If you are seeing this, thank you so much for being here. I feel like I got sucker punched in the stomach today.


They have found fluid building in the baby's chest with the latest ultrasound. They now need to monitor me weekly to see how quickly fluid is building up. If fluid builds up to much it will also endanger my health so if I have danger signs then I'll have to have the baby early, but the earlier I have him, the more at risk he is to not survive. So the timer is on. We want to get him as close to 37 weeks as possible which is the 3rd week of March at the earliest.


Ok, so for those of you who are interested in some details, here we go - 

So, last Friday morning I saw the cardiologist. They saw the fluid around the lung and didn't think it was related to the heart. Upon further consultation of the cardiologists at Children's Hospital and my care team of 3 doctors at Maternal Fetal Medicine, it IS related to the heart.

How they described it is mostly related to the AV Canal defect, the heart is pumping so hard that there is a clear fluid that is a component of the blood that is leaking out of the heart into the baby's chest cavity. If this fluid continues to build it can fill up other parts of his body even under his skin and cause problems the longer this goes on. The baby's best chance of survival is to get as close to term as possible which would be 36, ideally at least 37 weeks.

They expect the fluid to keep filling because there really isn't anything to stop it and we are already aware of the heart issues. If it fills too much, they ARE able to do something called a "TAP" where they would stick a needle in my belly and drain it some how. (I don't know the risks related to this or how they would keep the baby still enough to pull this off) They want to avoid this if at all possible.

Best case scenario, I make it to 37 weeks, there is a fair amount of fluid in the baby, they would need to drain it via the "TAP" before they induce me because the fluid around the lungs would hinder the baby and possible cause him to pass if it's too hard for him to take his first breaths.

There is a danger of fluid building up in my uterus and then causing fluid to back up in my own body which would be preeclampsia. The doctors have given me things to look out for to indicate that I am in trouble which would be swelling of hands, feel, and face, significant pain in my kidney, headaches with vision issues, sudden weight gain (which would mean I'm retaining water), hard painful contractions. This could happen anytime between now and 37 weeks which likely means that I would need to deliver early and then they would do their best to make sure the baby survives.

I think that covers everything. I'm noticing that I am getting very emotional while having to recount these dire details and deeply appreciate everyone's thoughts, prayers, and support. I will be fortifying myself in prayer and looking for scripture passages to root me and ground me in Hope, Faith, and Love during this time. Both Fernando and I are confident that if God calls our baby home that he will be blessed even though it will be hard. We know that God can work miracles and will be praying to remain open to and any all miracles that God wants to work in this uncertain time and have faith that however this works out, God is with us.




  1. Praying for a miracle. Thanks for sharing

  2. You both are always on my mind. May you be wrapped in healing strength and positive energy.

  3. Everyone at Sacred heart is praying for you, the baby and your family. Remember to look for the good and how God is working in your life. We love you.


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