Stable - Still 33 Weeks

Week 33 out of 39 (6 weeks to go) Hello Family and Friends, Summary: If you can believe it, they said the fluid is even less around his right lung than last week. So everything is stable. Detail: I have officially transferred care to a combination of Children's and UW Maternal Infant Care Center. So last Thursday was good timing to get a detailed ultrasound of the baby's weight and overall health and measurements. And I also completed a Fetal Echocardiogram which looked at his heart. This Monday 2/26/24 was my first appointments at UW Maternal Infant Care Center (UW MICC) and I'll be meeting with them regularly each week until I give birth so it really feels like the home stretch now. I now have a plan for each week: Every Monday I'll have 3 appointments with that team: 1 - an ultrasound looking at the points of concern with Lucas, his heart, any fluid in his body making sure it isn't getting worse and also the level of my amniotic fluid (around Lucas) 2 - Have a no...