Stable - Week 33 - Home Stretch

 Week 33 out of 39 (6 weeks to go - the home stretch)

Hello Family and Friends,

I had a very good set of tests this morning. An echo cardiogram of Lucas' heart followed by an detailed ultrasound and met with cardiologists and obstetricians through Children's Hospital in Seattle to whom I have transferred my care to as of today.

It feels surreal, I didn't sleep well last night in anticipation of this appointment, but I got good news from both tests.


Situation with the heart defects are stable, heart is strong and they expect it to stay that way from what they saw until I give birth and the fluid around the lungs has decreased to just be around the right lung (not both) so that is not only stable but decreased so that is good news.


The Heart - I talked with the cardiologist first and he had really good news. Despite the VSD and the AV Canal defect, Lucas' heart is pumping strongly. Things he has working in his favor is that even though the VSD (holes in his heart) are present, they are not leaking a bunch of blood which works in his favor. Also, not only is the AV Canal Defect balanced, but the hole between the 2 chambers is smaller. All these factors mean that they anticipate that Lucas won't need heart surgery when he is 4-6 months old, but closer to when he is 12-18 months old!

Amazing news! Of course this comes with a caveat, despite all these tests I'm having, they won't REALLY know how Lucas is doing or what is going on in his little body and his heart until they can do these tests when he arrives, but if it is consistent with what they are seeing, then he's in good shape. And once he's had the heart surgery, he shouldn't need another one. As a side note the cardiologist also mentioned that they found trace amounts of fluid around the heart, but it was so negligible that it almost doesn't need to be mentioned.

The Fluid - So the rest of the ultrasound checked out great. They put him at 5lbs and a little bit today. 2 weeks we got an estimation of 4lbs 2 oz so he's definitely growing and a fun fact, they could see signs that he has a fair amount of hair on his head. The only thing of note with the ultrasound is that, in taking a detailed look at Lucas' body, the doctor said that they would consider him to have Hydrops. That's when fluid begins to develop around the fetus' body. Now, I have so far heard that term in relation to it being a concern, but the doctor today wanted to be clear that they did see small to miniscule amounts of fluid in a few locations around Lucas' body and because of the number of locations, technically you could term it as Hydrops, but it is not of a concern. So the fluid they found today was:

- around the lungs has decreased from around both lungs to just around the right lung and less of it

- a miniscule amount around the heart which the cardiologist did mention

- and some fluid building up under his skin, also a very very small amount

The doctor wanted me to know that it is exactly this fluid that they'll be keeping an eye on in the ultrasounds each week and that a building up of fluid in the baby's body is very very typical of down syndrome. The encouraging thing is that the amount is very little in each place is is not doing damage or harming Lucas. So as long as it stays stable, reduces or even increases very little he'll be in good condition to go to 39 weeks which is when they want to induce. So this is good news.

I'll be having ultrasounds every Monday and scheduling the induction for the first week of April.

On a personal note, I have been pondering this news all day and trying to process it. The relief I am feeling, perhaps even hopefulness, is palpable. I think on some level I've kept myself a bit emotionally distanced from Lucas because I was so fearful that we might lose him. I feel a great opportunity in the next 6 weeks to really grow in gratitude, appreciation, and connection to his little life and who he will be for our family in these final few weeks.

I've really been feeling the home stretch of pregnancy setting in. It's considerably harder to move around, sleep, and my energy is lowered. It has had me shift into a self-care mode that is conducive to being more present and grateful for each moment. I have been praying so hard and surrendering my anxieties and worries to God that I feel like today's good news is an answer to prayer and an invitation into these last few weeks as a precious gift and celebration of life. It's so interesting to be in such a strong sense of anticipation for Lucas to join us and be praying for his well being and also the well being of all those on this journey of prayer and support. 

So thank you once again, from the bottom of my heart which is growing bigger to include this little man getting ready to join us. I look forward to connecting with all of you in the next few weeks.

Fernando's parents didn't come into town this week so we're hoping they can join us soon and will be getting some final things in place as we prepare for Lucas.

I'll look forward to updating you each Monday and will be praying for Lucas to stay stable. As I approach the 3 final weeks of pregnancy there is a chance my amniotic fluid could reduce and I need to deliver early so my prayers and hopes will be that I deliver between 37-39 weeks with all these considerations in mind to give Lucas the best chance.

I am praying for all of you and thank you again for your prayers. I pray that you are blessed as I have been in this journey of appreciating the preciousness of this little life and expanding our sensitivity of how precious life is in general. Kiss your loved ones for me and I hope you are all finding moments to enjoy some of the sun we've been having and feel grateful for God's creation.



33 Weeks


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