Answer to Prayer - 30 Weeks

30 Weeks out of 39 weeks!

Hello Family and Friends, 

I am happy to report that we have had an answer to prayer!


Not only is the fluid "stable" as the doctor put it, but they saw improvement. They actually measured less fluid around Lucas' lungs than last week!


There are actually several points to be thankful for here. I entitled this post "Answer to Prayer" because I have been highly anticipating this appointment expecting some not great news as Lucas' circumstances to be born becomes more high risk with each appointment and there were a few things that are pointed out to be doing well, if you will.

An on a personal note, I have been reaching out to people for support and prayer and whatever good energy then can send our little family's way. And I walked away from this appointment feeling like it is working!

His heart: so Lucas has an AV canal defect as the more major part of his heart defect and the fact that it remains "balanced" is a good thing. Ultrasounds are funny things, the Doctor actually even candidly said that if you look at the heart from a certain angle it actually "looks" normal, then you look at it from another angle and you can see the hole and the canal defect, but the fact that the blood is pumping into the right and left sides of the heart in a balanced way is good for the heart and good for blood circulation. His poor little heart is pumping hard because of the defects, but it is looking strong at this point. Very important to monitor as these last few weeks tick by, but very encouraging at this stage.

His Stomach: Up to this ultrasound his heart has been measuring small. No one has had a really clear explanation as to why, but haven't seemed remarkably concerned of this issue. The only thing mentioned for speculation is that there could be a blockage somewhere that's not having baby Lucas be as effective at swallowing which would be consistent with down syndrome. However today they got a clearer look at his stomach and it measured normal. A good sign.

The fluid in his chest cavity: So this we will definitely be monitoring. I got the impression from the doctor that it isn't impossible for the fluid level to be "stable" as she put it, which means the amount of fluid measured around his lungs did not increase, but she even said the amount had decreased! Which can happen. She didn't go into detail, but it's also a question that the cardiologist can answer in my appointment with them in a couple weeks. It's possible the fluid can relocate somewhere else in the body, but the fact it is not around his lungs and not getting more massive is very encouraging news. His lungs are the last thing to fully develop in these last few weeks so any fluid pressing up against his lungs could inhibit that development which is so important so it is good news all around.

I have a sense of relief washing over me and feel tentative to trust it AND I will take it! I've been really opening myself up to surrender to God's will in this situation because it has felt so overwhelming at times and I've felt so powerless. I feel the encouragement of so many people and feel the power of prayer circling around us. I thank God for the news this week as an answer to prayer and a miracle in our little, precious baby's life? I will be striving to remain open to God working his miracles as we journey through these last few weeks and can't thank everyone enough for their thoughts and prayers and the conversations I've had with people who have found the time to call or text. Thank you with all my heart and from our whole family!

Next Ultrasound: Monday February 12th at 3:30pm

After that an Ultrasound & Echo-Cardiogram (ultrasound of just the heart): on Thursday Feb 22nd at 8am


  1. That is great news!! We will continue to pray 🙏🏼 for Lucas ♥️ and your family

  2. Great to hear the good news. We will keep on hoping for more to follow!

  3. This is wonderful news! Thank you for the updates. Sending more prayers to you, baby, and family! Stay strong Mama! 💙

  4. So glad to hear things are better! He has a strong mama to help him push through! Will keep praying for the whole family!

  5. So great to get this update! Praying for you all!

  6. Thank you so much everyone! ❤️


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