Hello World!

 Hello Family and Friends,

I’m writing to you from the hospital. Finally getting a chance to wrap my head around everything that’s happened!

The team here at UW Medical Center has been incredible and we’re so grateful. So you know that Lucas was born, and how else are we doing?? :)

So I had a c-section and was discharged this afternoon so I am staying in his room with him. It’s just comfortable enough for me to hang out with him and be able to sleep in his room and be close. I’ve been pumping so he’s only eaten my milk which gives me a lot of peace of mind he’s getting good nutrition. I feel good and am recovering well I think. I haven’t had a c-section before, but the entire procedure went very smoothly and I rested a lot that last few days. Now I’m walking around pretty confidently and still resting, but it feels nice to not be hooked up to anything and feel more normal.

As far as Lucas, he is strong for being born early. He handled the birth really well, he was whisked away to be checked out once I got to take a quick look at him and checked him out. He needed oxygen for a few minutes, but then it became clear he was good breathing on his own so after his checks he got to come hang out with me for a few minutes while they stitched me up. Then he went down to the NICU.

I got into my room and rested for a while and got settled, then got to visit him down in the NICU before going to bed. Then yesterday I got to eat breakfast and spend all morning in his room just hanging out. As of yesterday he was 36 weeks which is still a week early of being considered “full term” so with the Down syndrome and also being pre-mature, the NICU is taking care of him in very expected ways. He has been eating well for the first couple days, they just put in a feeding tube today because they want to see his feeding increase and gain some weight so for that additional nutrition it makes sense to give him that support. He has a breathing tube under his nose giving him just a little bit of supplemental oxygen to support him and he’s in a bassinet that is helping regulate his temperature.

In my mind, I have it that he’ll need to stay in the NICU until he’s full term which would be this upcoming Thursday. I think that’s a strong and realistic expectation and if he does better before then and it looks like he can go home sooner, then all the better. :)  I’ll personally be looking to get to Sunday and see how he does over the weekend eating more, putting on weight and getting stronger each day.

I would say that every thing looks good. I hope that’s a good update so you all know that we are both doing well. I am here at the hospital, we’ve had limited visitors but visitors are welcome. I’m eating well and have all the supplies I need from home. :)

Thank you all for your continued prayers and thoughts. The fact that this all happened and he’s actually here is sinking in and I’m enjoying seeing him move around and having time to process all this.

I’ll send another update on Monday and send all my love to you all, feel free to text me.





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