Daily Update: Week 4 (Updated Tuesday 5/28)

 Dear Family & Friends,

We're looking good to get discharged. In the doctor huddle this morning to talk about his progress and the plan for this week, the cardiologist on for this week said that he'd like to see Lucas gaining weight for 3 days after he got off High Flow. So last night's weight counts as Day 1 which means that Thursday will be the day we are being discharged. This was hard for me to hear, but it IS just ONE more day than I was thinking.

The nurses were able to schedule a swallow study for him tomorrow at 9am.

To Get Discharged:
🗹 Move feeding tube to his stomach
🗹 Reduce his High Flow down to 2L/min
🗹 Remove High Flow completely - the plan for tomorrow
 Get a swallow study done - Scheduled for Wednesday 5/29 @ 9am
 Have 3 days off Respiratory Support where he is gaining weight each day.
    🗹 Day 1 Complete - Monday
    ❏ Day 2 Complete - Tuesday
    ❏ Day 3 Complete - Wednesday



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