On the Mend

 Dear Family and Friends,

I didn't want to overload your e-mails as we navigate Lucas' recovery. This has been such a long week and almost can't believe how long we've been here. This last week has also been much easier on Fernando and the girls as well as myself with all the support we've been getting so thank you again!

This last week was mostly Lucas recovering from his ICU visit last weekend and resetting so we can move towards discharge again. I will definitely say that he looks much better overall than last week and the main concern is his breathing which definitely looks better. Maybe even better than when we were home and he was "normal". And then I have to remember that a week in the life of an infant is huge, they go through so many changes and he's a whole 2 months old now, not the super fresh little newborn he was even a month ago.

I am encouraged that we have the following plan for this week to be discharged very likely on Wednesday.

Yesterday - they moved his feeding tube into his stomach and he's doing well

Today - a day of rest and observation to make sure his breathing stays normal because last week around this time is when he went to the ICU 24 hours after we moved his tube to his stomach.

Tomorrow (Sunday) - so if he does well all day Saturday then we can wean his High Flow down to 2L/min which is the lowest level of support and continue to see how he does all day.

Monday - if he's still looking good then they will take off the High Flow support and there is a chance they'll let us go home Tuesday if he looks really good, but the doctors have mentioned monitoring him an extra day which would be Wednesday to just be absolutely sure that he's doing well before sending him home.

So that's the plan! We have help through Monday. It would be great if anyone would like to do a play date with the girls or could watch them Tuesday evening after they get off school and then we should be coming home Wednesday! Or if someone or 2 people can watch Lucas from 3:30pm-9:30pm so I can go home Tuesday.

I'll send an e-mail and let you know when we are home, or the next e-mail you get from me will be next Saturday. I'll be posting daily updates here as we go along if you'd like to keep checking in the mean time. Thank you, Everyone!


Christine, Lucas & Family


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