Daily Update: Week 3 (updated Thursday 5/23)

Dear Family and Friends,

Ok, we have a plan:

Today, wean Lucas back down to 2L/min on the High Flow

    He was bumped up to 3L/min late last night because of some slight heavier breathing so he could rest but I think it is because he's constipated so we'll also work on that today. Giving him a suppository and prune juice!

Tomorrow (Friday) - move the feeding tube from intestines to stomach. If he tolerates it, great, if not, then move it back to intestines

Saturday - wean him off of High Flow completely

Sunday - make sure he looks really good without air

Monday - come home!

We have support through Sunday so if any of the above plan seems to be delayed I'll try to reach out to people on Saturday to ask for help for the upcoming week. Thank you all, we love you!


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