Daily Update: Week 3 (updated Friday 5/24)

 Dear Family and Friends,

Today is the first step of working towards discharge again.

🗹 Today (Friday) - They moved the feeding tube from his intestines into his stomach. He's been sleeping a lot today and is doing really well. No heavier breathing!! ☺

Saturday - Let him stay status quo

Sunday - Try to wean him off of the High Flow

Monday-Wednesday - monitor him and make sure that he is tolerating no support, then we can go home!

I was hoping to possibly go home Monday as a reasonable goal, but I spoke with one of the doctors today and they mentioned that even if we get him off air, since he had his episode of developing harder breathing after 24 hours of looking good just last week, they'll want to keep him in the hospital after he's off all support for at least a couple days to make sure he is doing well off support.



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