Lucas Home!

 Dear Family & Friends,

Thank you so much for your prayers and messages. Lucas didn't get worse overnight and the doctors let me know that they think he's actually over the worst of the virus he has and is safe to recover at home.

I am so relieved! It's so hard to not imagine the worst, and am still trying to relax after getting home. Lucas is in really good spirits despite his coughing. 

We've had a slew of appointments this last month and added on a couple of diagnosis with little Lucas.

Audiology - mild hearing loss in his left ear (which may get better as he gets older). They said it most likely has to do with his ear anatomy that is likely retaining fluid which impairs hearing.

Nutrition (Feeding) Specialist - he had a swallow study done a couple weeks ago. He is aspirating slightly when he eats, which is the smallest amount of liquid getting into his lungs. So the solution is to thicken his food. Interesting for sure, but it works! This, however, is disappointing to me because it means I won't be able to breast feed him anytime soon. I'm glad that there is a solution. I continue to pump and give him my breast milk and he's also beginning to eat some solid foods. :)

Cardiology - He had another echo-cardiogram and they said it looks similar to the one they took 2 months ago. He still has a Transitional AV Canal defect and some VSD's. The holes in his heart are making it difficult to determine the actual pressure in the left side of his heart. The cardiologist wants to do a "Cath" which would be a small surgery to put a took in his heart to measure the pressures. They suspect the pressure is not as high as the echo is showing. Once they can confirm that, then they can begin to schedule his heart surgery which will be after he turns 1 if everything checks out.

Occupational Therapy - Lucas continues to grow and develop. He's been working hard on lifting his head and keeping it up and looking around for long durations. He has such a adorably social personality, dishing out smiles and interested looks to everyone willing to say hi and especially his doting sisters. :)

Now that I've been able to nap and get some sleep, I'm glad to send out this message and really want to thank you all for all of your support. I hope you all had a wonderful summer and a good start to the school year. Natalie and Isabelle are both in school full time this year in PreK & 2nd grade and enjoying it.

Thanks for reading!

The Martincics


  1. I’m so happy to hear that Lucas is home! Thank you for the update. Glad that you have all the medical bases covered for him. :) wishing we lived closer to help. Sending lots of love to all of you from Canada - Sandra


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