ER Visit 12/30/24

Hey Guys, for all you checking in on this update, thanks for your prayers.

At 1am Lucas woke up crying and we were able to soothe him but he was breathing abnormally fast. After several minutes of him not settling down and the heavy breathing staying elevated we decided to take him into the ER at Seattle Children's. He continued to sound pretty stuffed up and sound snorkely ("strider" is the medical term)

He was breathing at least twice as hard as he normally does especially in the car and had a significant strider so we were glad we brought him in. Luckily Fernando's family (parents and brother) are staying with us over the holiday so we could just had to the hospital without waking the girls. 

It is only fitting that as I was checking him into the (luckily) empty ER @ approx 2:15am, his breathing and strider calmed down and hes breathing more normally. As I write this they got him into a room in the ER, they suctioned out his nose really well, and took a swab to see if he has a virus.

4am: We are waiting for the results of the swab and he fell asleep with what I would say is close to normal breathing for him.

4:10am: They just gave us the results of the swab. He is positive for trhinovirus & mycoplasma which both basically result in cold symptoms but the mycoplasma is a bacteria that can cause mild pneumonia and they can treat it with an antibiotic for 5 days called azithromycin. His breathing looks fine now, they are going to observe him for at least another couple hours. I'm thinking we'll have to discuss with the doctor if it makes sense to keep him overnight to see if his symptoms get worse because they likely will for a few days before they get better and it's likely that he'll need respiratory support.

5:40am: They suctioned out Lucas' nose and didn't get much. His breathing still looks good so they are going to let us go home. He may or may not develop serious symptoms so we'll have to watch him for the next few days and being him back in if anything worsens to where he needs support.

6:45am: just got discharged. Heading home.


  1. I will keep you guys in my prayers💕

  2. What an all nighter! Prayers for continued healing for Lucas and for you parents. Hope you got some sleep during the day. Lots of love.💖Sue


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