ER Visit: 1/7/25

Hey Guys,

Just providing an update for those interested. :) I appreciate you coming here to get updates so I don't have to repeat a story.

Lucas was sick last Monday (12/30) see last post.  I gave him a very small dose of antibiotics once a day for 5 days. I would say he did really well up until Sunday night. We expected that if he was going to get bad symptoms they would have happened by Thursday. 

So all that being said I suspect what he is experiencing now is something new. Sunday night I noticed he wasn't drinking his bottle, I thought there was something wrong with the flow, maybe the nipple but then I realized he might not be able to breathe out his nose. I suctioned him really well and with a saline rinse and then he ate more normally. I've had to suction him more often before I feed him since Sunday.

And that brings us to last night (or very early this morning,  2:30am to be exact). I woke up with him and he seemed to be snorkely so I suctioned him really well right away. I soothed him and he seemed to settle down and go back to sleep but once I sat down or tried to lay down he would wake up and start crying. And this pattern continued where he might sleep 15 mins max, then wake up again. At 5am I woke up Fernando to take over. He experienced the same things so we decided to take him in. 

6:30am - got to children's and checked him in. They suctioned him and I fed him a couple ounces, but now all this is officially effecting his appetite because he usually eats an 8oz bottle in the morning. They also took a swab to see if he is testing for something new that could provide some insight.

7:30am - should get the swab results soon. He may need the "high flow" to support him for a day or so. The high flow he had before was a canula with oxygen and moisture to really open up his airways. It worked really well back in May.

8:30am - Lucas has been sleeping on and off. He woke up crying so they suctioned again and then I fed him 4 more ounces! He's sleeping again a little more comfortably but still sounds really snorkely. The swab came back and apparently it was just to screen for RSV which came back negative. He must have something else.

9:15am - supervising doctor just came in and Lucas has been sleeping comfortably this whole time. She said she looks really good. So we should monitor him for a few more hours, make sure he doesn't get worse and then maybe we could go home today. Maybe he just now got over the worst of it! To be continued....

9:45am - Lucas woke up and looks alert and happy. He drank the last 2 oz of his bottle. 

10:30am - tried to feed Lucas some more but he seemed to be stuffed up again. Tried to suction. Only ate and once. He's in good spirits but still seems stuffed up,  deeply in his airways. 

11:45am - spoke with a nurse and lucas' best chance of moving deeper congestion out of his lungs and airways is to stay hydrated. I've been able to feed him small amounts so I think he's doing well enough that we can at least go home.

12:30pm - Lucas took another nap from 11:45am-12:15pm. And ate a little bit more, that's 4 oz of a new bottle so far. The doctor just came in at 12:30pm and said that we can go home. Just need to look out for dehydration and follow up with his pediatrician.

1:15pm - we're out!

1/10/25: update - i got Lucas home and didn't even need to suction him that evening but he woke up several times throughout the night. He went back to sleep with some soothing it made for very little sleep for me. I would say he did pretty well the next day (Wednesday) but man,  every night has been rough and Thursday and Friday he's been getting worse. I'm writing this Friday evening after suctioning him with saline, and standing in the bathroom all steamed up from hot water so I can feed him I hope tomorrow he turns a corner.

Fernando had gallbladder surgery on Wednesday and had been resting and Fernando's parents are flying home tomorrow morning. I'll be definitely asking friends and family to hold Lucas so I can get some sleep!

1/11: Lucas is doing better, still a little snorkely but I didn't have to suction him once today. He was able to eat normally.

1/12: not sure what is happening but he is worse today. Been trying all the things again and by the end of the day he was really struggling to eat. Finally called the nurse line at his pediatrician's office. He could have a sinus infection even without a fever. We'll see how he looks tomorrow and take him in to get tested.

1/13: Lucas was able to drink a bottle and breathe through his nose this morning, but this afternoon and evening, not so much. I made an appointment with his pediatrician to take him in and have him tested to see if he has a sinus infection. Other than that, all I can do is make sure he eats enough to stay hydrated.
1/14: Lucas did well today again,  maybe he's over his sickness!
1/15: yes,  day 3 and he's solidly better!

Please keep us all in your prayers!


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