Lucas is 10 months old & Happy New Year!

Dear Family and Friends,

It's been a couple months since I sent an e-mail out and I have so many salutations!

Lucas turned 9 months old in November, Fernando turned 50 in November & had gallbladder surgery last week.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Lucas had his 2nd Auditory test for his ears after the new year and his hearing is a bit worse, so when we follow up with his ear, nose and throat doctor in March we'll also be checking to see if they think he has enough fluid in his ears to recommend that he gets tubes in his ears.

Lucas is actually currently sick with something effecting his sinuses. He had a couple ER visits recently about a week a part. He first got sick with a cold and minor virus, then a week later I think he got something else that has effected his sinuses. We ruled out the flu or RSV on the second ER visit, but other than that. It seems that he just needs time.

I'm very proud to report that Lucas is so very close to sitting up on his own. He works on it every day! He also seems a little closer to cutting some teeth. He bit on my finger the other day and his top gums feel harder.

I hope you all are having a wonderful start to your new year and had a very Merry Christmas holiday.

Thank you to all who have come to our house to hold Lucas so I can get things done around the house or sleep! It's so lovely to visit and you empower and support us to have our life work!

Lots of love from our family to yours! Keep Lucas and our family in your prayers as Lucas recovers, I try to get some sleep, and Fernando recovers from gallbladder surgery!


  1. You are growing so much! Great work Lucas! Ten months! Blessings! And get rid of that sick stuff so all can enjoy you more ❣️


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