On Alert - 34 Weeks

 Week 34 out of 37 (2.5 weeks to go)

Hello Family and Friends,


We have a concern. My amniotic fluid has been decreasing over the last couple weeks and that will be a reason to induce early. I'll be 35 weeks on Thursday so we're definitely in the zone where Lucas has developed a very good amount. Ideally we would like him get to at least week 37, but with my amniotic fluid being on the low side, we'll have to be prepared to get him out for his safety.


I didn't want to overload everyone with e-mails and I had an appointment last Monday, so if you missed that post, I included some fun pictures. :)

I had my rounds of test today. Started with an ultrasound, then a non-stress test (which would indicate if Lucas is struggling), then meeting with the OB. The non-stress test came back strong, but my amniotic fluid was 27 2 weeks ago, then 13 last week, then 5.4 this week. They clarified that anything below 5 is considered low, but now we're officially on alert. I asked a lot of questions around my amniotic fluid getting too low and she said that it is just one piece to the puzzle. As long as my NSTs are strong, then that means the baby is strong even with low amniotic fluid. They wouldn't induce just because my fluid is low so I just need to pay attention and not hesitate to get checked if I don't feel Lucas moving around. As long as the NSTs continue to look strong, then I can continue to let him grow in my belly which is the best for him until it's not.

The OB sent me away from the appointment with the instructions of several things to watch for in the next few weeks, certainly until my next appointment on Monday a week from now.

So if you all can keep us in your prayers. I'll be reaching out to those physically close to us to put a plan in place if I go into delivery early. Fernando's parents are still not here, but will hopefully be here this weekend.

Please keep us in your prayers as we journey through these last days! Despite the concern, we're excited to hold him and introduce him to everyone. I'll try to keep this blog updated, but I might not be e-mailing everyone out every single time I have an update. My plan is weekly e-mails to give you updates until he's born. So feel free to keep the blog link and check it if you want to see if there are any updates! :)

With love, from the Martincics


  1. Thank you for keeping us updated. We will continue to pray 🙏🏼 ♥️

  2. Praying for you, Christine, and keeping you and Lucas close to my heart.

  3. Prayers continue for Lucas's safe arrival! Sarah and John Connolly

  4. We are praying for you all! ❤️
    -Kate Connolly Nihipali (Ellen's sister)

  5. Lord Jesus continue to work with Christine and Lucas so that Lucas has the best chance. You are a gracious God.

  6. Thanks Everyone! It's been a week of extra checks and the fluid is hovering above 5 so that's good news and Lucas looks strong. Fernandos parents also just got into town last night! We continue to be blessed with prayers and encouragement. Thank you all so much!


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