Suprise! Lucas is here!

3/13/24 @ 1:30pm
Hey Guys, Things just got exciting real fast. I went in for a check for Lucas this morning and although his heart beat is strong, they wanted to see him moving around more and my fluid dropped to 2.5 from 3.7 on Monday. 

I received directions to get to UW Labor and Delivery which is where I am now and they just finished monitoring Lucas and filling me in that they advise doing a c-section in the next hour!

So here we go people! I also wrote a blog post early this morning for anyone who wants to read it, cuz I'm writing this on my phone and it'll be hard to delete. I'll send pictures once can!

Love you all!

Update at 3:55pm
Well my phone wouldn't send the email before the c-section so now you get pictures and everything. He was born at 2:27pm. 6lbs 1oz, 18.5 in long. He did very well, doctors say he looks good!

3/13/24 Wednesday @ 4am: Here's a post I'll keep updated as we lead up to Saturday in case anyone decides to check this during the week or has the time to read it after the fact.

Parts of me feel like I'm feeling Lucas move around less generally, probably because he has less fluid to swim around in and also because he's getting so big. I went back and looked at the ultrasound they took Monday and, it can be a bit arbitrary, but they put him at 6lbs already! I will say that every time I sit down and drink some water and intentionally feel for kicks, he is definitely moving around. :)

I'm grateful for the extra checks I get this morning and Friday at 10am at Maternal Fetal Medicine here close to home at Valley just to check in on him and have some peace of mind Lucas is strong with us going into the induction this Saturday.

I have been waking up around 4am pretty reliably the last week or so, and have been using the awakeness to take time to pray and then am able to go back to sleep more peacefully. I am doing that now and feel myself wishing I could reach out to the 60+ people I've been emailing this blog to and give you all a big hug. I'm committed to standing in the present moment as we approach this induction and all the moving parts that entail logistics with the girls and my way of being as we navigate decisions and waiting once the induction process starts. I see the profound opportunity to invite God's grace to surround me and all involved because God already knew how this was going to go when I was born and I see an opportunity for me to discover and allow God's peace to penetrate my heart on a deeper level despite any worries or stress that may present themselves during these next days. I imagine THAT same Grace extending to you all as you pray and think of us during this time. May we all get some juicy grace on us and be touched as we walk this walk together.

I'm grateful,  thank you my dear friends. From my heart to yours.


  1. Prayers, loving you and Lucas❣️My friends here also, prayers for the doctors to do what they do well. Love sent across the miles.

  2. Welcome, Lucas!!! We've been waiting for you for so long and now our world is complete! So glad that things went smoothly! He looks so adorable! I already want to squish and kiss his cheeks!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS ❣️❣️❣️Yay Lucas is beautiful! And so is Mama! So happy for you!

  4. Congratulations!! Welcome to Universe #2 Lucas! You both look amazing (and Lucas looks positively angelic!). How long will the two of you need to stay in UW’s plush maternity “hotel”???! Sending loads of love!

  5. Congratulations! He is absolutely adorable! Continued prayers for sweet Lucas!

  6. Whew! That’s a lot of excitement. His weight and length sound right on for a fully cooked baby! Great job everyone. Congratulations!!!

  7. Whew!!!!!! Welcome to the world Lucas!!!! Love you Christine! Congratulations!!! ♥️✨♥️

  8. Congratulations! ❤️💐🎉
    Happy Birthday Lucas! 🥳
    I’m continuing to pray for you all.
    Love you! 💕

  9. Congratulations!! So exciting, he's adorable! Kathy Wickward

  10. Congratulations! He is precious! How are you doing?


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